MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Apricot Muffins
  Categories: Diabetic, Quickbreads, Breads/bm
       Yield: 8 servings
     1/2 c  Apricots; finely snipped          1/4 ts Ground cardamom or ginger;
     1/3 c  Unsweetened apple juice;          1/3 c  Chopped walnuts;
       1 c  Whole wheat flour;                  3 tb Vegetable oil;
       2 ts Baking powder;                      1 tb Sugar;
     1/4 ts Baking soda;                        1    Egg;
   Soak the apricots in the apple juice for 10 minutes.  Combine the
   flour, baking powder, baking soda, spice and walnuts in a bowl.  Beat
   together the oil, sugar, and egg.  Add the apricots, with the juice
   and egg mixture to the flour.
   Mix just until all the ingredients are blended.  Spoon into oiled
   muffin tins or (my choice) paper muffin cups (sprayed with non-stick
   spray). Fill cups 3/4 full.  Bake in 350 F oven for 10 to 15 minutes,
   or until golden brown.
   1 muffin - 182 calories, 1 bread exchange, 1/2 fruit, 2 fat 22 grams
   carbohydrate, 4 grams protein, 10 grams fat 97 mg sodium, 166 mg
   potassium, 34 mg cholesterol
   Source:  Am. Diabetes Assoc. Holiday Cookbook by Betty Wedman, 1986
   Shared but not yet tested by Elizabeth Rodier, Nov 93.
   Suggestions:  Use raisins to test the recipe if you do not have
   apricots. Leave out walnuts to reduce the fat and use 2 egg whites
   instead of the whole egg to reduce cholesterol if desired.