Recipes in this category:

  1. Backpacker Bars
  2. Baked Apples Stuffed with Raisins
  3. Baked Potato
  4. Baked Stuffed Fish
  5. Baked Stuffed Fish
  6. Banana Boat
  7. Banana Boats For Camping
  8. Best Damn Peach Cobbler
  9. Best Damn Peach Cobbler
  10. Bone Hunter’s Spam Delight
  11. Burgers in Foil
  12. Camp Cobbler Delight
  13. Camp Hash
  14. Camp Hash
  15. Camp Pasta
  16. Camp Stew
  17. Camp Stew
  18. Camper’s Pizza
  19. Campers Pizza Pie
  20. Campfire Cake In A Orange Shell
  21. Campfire Coffee
  22. Campfire Hash
  23. Camping Seasoning Mix
  24. Cardboard Box Oven
  25. Cheesy Chicken Rolls
  26. Coffee Can Cookery
  27. Creole Skillet
  28. Foil Dinners
  29. Foiled Fish on the Grill
  30. Fruit And Carrot Breakfast Bread
  31. Grilled Orange Egg Custard
  32. Grilled Potato Halves
  33. Honey Granola Bars
  34. Meat Loaf (Camping)
  35. Meat Loaf (Camping)
  36. Never fail Dumplings
  37. Peanut Butter S'Mores
  38. Polish Sausage & Cabbage
  39. S'mores

Other sources of recipes like these: