MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Asparagus & Pimento
  Categories: Diabetic, Vegetables, Presscooker
       Yield: 4 Servings
       1 lb To 1 1/4 lb fresh Asparagus;
       1 c  Water
       2 tb Fresh lime juice;
     1/4 c  Diced pimento;
       1 tb Toasted pine nuts;
   Rinse asparagus and snap off tough ends.  In a large skillet, bring
   to a boil and add asparagus.  Cover and steam asparagus until bright
   green, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat, drain and arrange on a
   platter. Sprinkle with lime juice; garnish with pimento and pine
   nuts. Serve warm or chilled.
   NOTE: Substitute red bell pepper for the pimento...
   Food Exchange per serving: 1 VEGETABLE  EXCHANGE CAL: 37; CHO: 0g;
   CAR: 7g; PRO: 3g; SOD: 6g; FAT: 2g;
   Source: Light & Easy Diabetes Cuisine by Betty Marks
   Brought to you and yours via Nancy O'Brion and Clan