---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Title: ASPARAGUS WRAP
  Categories: Appetizers, Diabetic, Microwave, Meats
       Yield: 10 servings
      10    Asparagus Spears
       2 tb Dijon Mustard
       1 tb Reduced-Calorie Mayonnaise
      10 sl Bologna (large)
   Trim the bottom end of the asparagus and blanch with
   boiling water.
   Blend the mustard and mayonnaise in a small bowl.
   Divide and spread the mustard mixture evenly on the
   large bologna slices.  Wrap one asparagus spear in
   each bologna slice.  Place the slices in a single
   layer on a round microwave platter or plate.  Cover
   lightly with paper towels.
   With the microwave on MEDIUM, cook for 1 minute or
   until hot; rotate the plate one-half turn after 30
   One Serving: Calories: 86 Carbohydrates: 2
    Exchange: 1 high-fat meat
   Source: Diabetic Microwave Cookbook, by Mary Jane
          Sterling Publishing (1989), ISBN 0-8069-6957-1,
          ISBN 0-8069-6960-1 (pbk.)
   Shared by:  Norman R. Brown