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MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Beet Borscht Categories: Diabetic, Soups/stews, Crockpot Yield: 4 servings 1 1/2 c Beet liquid; drained of 1 1/4 ts Salt; -can of beets 1 ts Fresh lemon juice; 3/4 c Tomato juice; 1/4 c Plain low-fat yogurt; 1/4 ts Onion powder; Mix all ingredients except yogurt. Chill 2-3 hours in a covered jar. Serve in cocktail glasses or small glass bowls, topping each with 1 tablespoon yogurt. 4 servings (Yield: 2 cups) 1 serving: 1/2 cup Nutritive values per serving: 6 gm. carbohydrates; 2 gm. protein; 0 gm. fat; 36 calories; 0.6 gm. fiber; 464 mg. sodium; 1 mg. cholesterol Food Exchange per serving: 1 Vegetable Exchange Low-sodium diets: This recipe is not suitable ~----------------------- MMMMM Plain Text Version of This Recipe for Printing or Saving | |
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