MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Blueberry Jam
  Categories: Diabetic, Fruits, Jam/jelly
       Yield: 2 1/2
       2 tb Lemon juice;                    2 1/2 c  Frozen blueberries;
       3 ts Unflavored gelatin;                      -sweetened partially thawed
     1/8 ts Salt;                                    Non-nutritive sweetener
   1 1/2 ts Arrowroot;                               -equivalent to 2 cups sugar
   Mix lemon juice, gelatin, salt, and arrowroot; stir in blueberries.
   Boil gently unitl mixture thickens, stirring constantly (about 3-4
   minutes). Stir constantly, boiling at full boil for 2 minutes.
   Remove from heat; stir in sweetener.  Fill and seal jars.
   Food Exchanges per serving: 1 TABLESPOON = TRACE FRUIT; CAL: 6 PER
   Source: Recipes for Diabatics by Billie Little
   Brought to you and yours via Nancy O'Brion and her Meal-Master