---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Screwball Cake Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate Yield: 12 servings 3 c Flour 2 c Sugar 1/2 c Cocoa 1 ts Salt 2 ts Soda 2/3 c Oil 2 tb Vinegar 2 ts Vanilla 2 c Water-boiling -----frosting----- 1/2 c Shortening 2 c Sugar 3 oz Chocolate unsweetened 2/3 c Milk 1/2 ts Salt 1/2 ts Vanilla Sift the dry ingredients together and put in a greased 9 x 13 pan. Scoup out 3 holes, 1 for each liquid ingredient. Pour boiling water over all and mix well. Bake at 375~ for 25-30 minutes. Frost with fudge frosting, made from last 6 ingredients. Heat to rolling boil all but the vanilla. Boil 1 min without stirring. Place pan in ice and water and beat until smooth and spreadable. -----