---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: WALDORF RED CAKE Categories: Cakes Yield: 1 Servings 1/2 c Shortening (at least 1/2 1 1/2 c Sugar 2 Eggs 2 oz Red food coloring; (4 little 1 ts Vanilla 2 tb Cocoa 1 ts Salt 1 c Buttermilk 2 1/2 c Cake flour; sifted 1 ts Vinegar 1 ts Baking soda -ICING (Best part of cake) 5 tb Flour 1 c Milk 1 c Sugar 1 ts Vanilla 1 c Butter; or margarine Prepare cake: Cream shortening, sugar and eggs until fluffy. Make a paste with cocoa and red food coloring and add to shortening mixture. Add salt to sifted flour and sift again. Add flour alternately with buttermilk. Add vanilla. Mix vinegar and soda and add last. DO NOT BEAT HARD just blend at a low speed. Bake in 2 greased and floured 9' cake pans for 30 minutes at 350. Prepare icing: Cook flour and milk until thick. Cool. Cream sugar, butter and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add flour misture. DO NOT BEAT TOO LONG just blend on low speed. Frost cooled cake. Shirley in Cincy -----