---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Sex in a Pan Categories: Cakes, Cheese/eggs Yield: 15 servings ---------------------------------1ST LAYER--------------------------------- 1 1/2 c Flour 1/2 c Walnuts, chopped 3/4 c Melted butter ---------------------------------2ND LAYER--------------------------------- 8 oz Cream cheese, softened 1 c Cool Whip 1 c Powdered sugar 1 ts Vanilla ---------------------------------3RD LAYER--------------------------------- 2 1/2 c Milk 2 Vanilla pudding inst, large ---------------------------------4TH LAYER--------------------------------- 2 1/2 c Milk 2 Chocolate inst pudding, larg ---------------------------------5TH LAYER--------------------------------- Cool Whip 1ST LAYER: Mix all together and press into a 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350^F for 15 minutes. 2ND LATER: Mix together and spread over cooled crust. REMAINING LAYERS: Prepare and layer in order given. Top with the Cool Whip and grated some chocolate over all. Keep refrigerated. -----