MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: BE MINE BUTTERMILK CAKE (2 of 2) Categories: Desserts, Cakes, Holidays Yield: 8 servings -Dorothy Cross TMPJ72B -DIRECTIONS: For Truffle Cream: Stir chocolate cream and butter in heavy medium saucepan over low heat until chocolate and butter meld and mixture is smooth. Mix in Chambord. Let stand at room temperature till very thick and spreadable, stirring occasionally, about 2 hours. For Cake: Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350 degrees F. Butter 9-inch heart-shaped pan with 1-1/4-inch-high sides. Dust with flour; tap out excess. Sift first 4 ingredients into medium bowl. Using electric mixer at high speed, beat sugar and butter in large bowl till fluffy. Add yolks 1 at a time, beating just to combine after each addition. Using rubber spatula, mix in dry ingredients alternately with buttermilk, beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Transfer batter to prepared pan. Bake cake till tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 35 mins. Turn out cake onto rack and cool. Cut cake horizontally in half. Place botttom layer of cake on plate. Spread truffle cream over. Arrange top layer over and press gently to adhere. Using spatula, smooth cream on sides of cake if necessary. Chill until set, at least 1 hour. For Glaze: Stir chocolate and butter in heavy med. saucepan over lo heat till melted & smooth Remove from heat. Add corn syrup and liqueur & whisk till smooth. Let glaze stand till slightly thickened, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes. Place cake on rack set over baking sheet or large piece of foil. Pour glaze over cake, coating completely. Chill cake on rack till glaze is set, about 30 mins. Transfer cake to platter. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover with cake dome & chill. Bring to room temp before serving.) Reformatted by: CYGNUS, HCPM52C MMMMM