MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Creme De Menthe Cake * Categories: Box cakes, Chocolate, Cakes Yield: 12 servings MMMMM----------------------PATTI - VDRJ67A--------------------------- 1 pk Chocolate chip cake mix 3 tb Creme De Menthe 1 cn Chocolate icing (16oz) MMMMM--------------------------TOPPING------------------------------- 12 oz Cool Whip 3 tb Creme De Menthe Mix cake according to package directions and add the Creme De Menthe. Pour into a greased and floured 9x13" pan. Bake at 350~ for 30-35 minutes. Frost cake with canned frosting. Refrigerate 10 minutes. Mix Cool Whip and 3 T. Creme De Menthe and spread over icing. May decorate with shaved chocolate bar. MMMMM