MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Lite and Tasty Four-Flavored Pound Cake Categories: Cakes Yield: 16 servings 1 3/4 c Sifted cake flour 2 ts Baking powder 1/4 ts Salt 3/4 c White sugar 1/2 c Vegetable oil 1/2 c Skim milk 3/4 ts Vanilla Extract 1/2 ts Almond Extract 1/2 ts Lemon Extract 1/4 ts Rum Extract 4 Egg whites, stiffly beaten Spray the bottom of a 9x5x3 inch loaf pan with cooking spray; dust with flour and set aside. combine flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Add oil and milk; beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until batter is smooth (batter will be thick) Add extracts; fold in about one third of the egg whites. Gently fold in remaining egg whites. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake at 350 F for 40 minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes,remove from pan, and finish cooling on a wire rack. Makes 16 servings. Origin: Watkins Sales flyer Shared by: Sharon Stevens ** I screwed up big time the first time I tried this.... I was in a hurry to get it in the oven and done in time for supper, and I didn't read it right. I nonchalantly threw in four eggs, the sugar and the oil and beat it up before I noticed that it was only the whites that I needed... All I did to bail myself out of this was to add another 1/4 cup milk and about 1 1/4 cup flour and carried on with dignity.. 8-} It turned out okay.. took a bit longer to cook, but the kids said it was really good.** So... make sure you read the recipe ALL the way through before throwing stuff in the bowl... 8-} MMMMM