---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Kahlua Chocolate Cake Categories: Cakes Yield: 1 servings 1 pk Chocolate cake mix 4 lg Eggs 3/4 c Oil 1/3 c Kahlua 1 ts Sour cream 1 sm Instant vanilla pudding mix 6 oz Semi-sweet chocolate chips Mix all ingredients and put in greased bundt pan. Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes. Serve COLD. Enjoy!! It is very important to serve this cake COLD. I know, most cakes taste better warm, but not this one. It's pretty good warm, but it is unbelievably delicious cold! JM. This recipe makes probably the BEST cake you will EVER taste. The recipe was given to me by a friend. We made it for Thanksgiving, Christmas, my mother-in-law's birthday, and are planning on making it for Easter as well. (Can you tell we like it?) From iluv2cook -----