---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Chocolate Fudge Cake Categories: Cakes, Chocolate Yield: 1 servings 4 oz Hard margarine 10 oz Sugar 2 Eggs; beaten 6 oz Self-rising flour 2 oz Cocoa powder 2 dr Vanilla essence 1 pn Salt 1 tb Milk Grease two 9 inch sandwich tins. Set oven to 350`F or Mark 4. Melt margarine gently in a pan. Put sugar in mixing bowl and add melted fat. Mix well. Beat in eggs, add sifted flour, cocoa and salt and 1 tablespoon milk. Add essence. Mix well together to give a stiff consistency. Line tins with greaseproof paper and pour mixture in. Smooth tops and cook for 20 minutes. Dust with icing sugar when cool. Serve the same day. -----