MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.01 Title: GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE Categories: To be edit Servings: 1 1 pk German chocolate cake mix 1 t Chocolate flavoring 1 t Almond flavoring 1 t Butter flavoring 1 GERMAN CHOCOLATE ICING: 1 1/2 c Evaporated milk 1 1/2 c Sugar 4 Egg yolks,slightly beaten 3/4 c Butter or margarine 1 1/2 c Vanilla flavoring 1 1/2 c Coconut 1 1/2 c Chopped pecans Prepare cake; in preparing cake, substitute milk for water, margarine or butter for oil; add flavorings. Bake according to directions on bok. GERMAN CHOCOLATE ICING: Combine evaporated milk, sugar, egg yolks, butter or margarine; vanilla flavoring. Cook above ingredients on medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick (about 2 min). Add coconut and pecans. Cook until thick enough to spread. SLOP IT UP! MMMMM