---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.01 Title: Sour Cream Chocolate Cake Categories: Cakes Servings: 8 ------------------------------------CAKE------------------------------------ 4 oz Chocolate,bitter 1 c Water,hot 2 Eggs 2 c Sugar 1 c Sour cream 2 c Bread flour,sifted 1 t Baking soda 1/2 t Salt 2 t Vanilla -----------------------------------ICING----------------------------------- 2 c Sugar 1/4 c Cocoa 1 t Corn syrup,white 1/2 c Milk 1/2 c Butter or margarine 1 c Pecans,chopped 1 t Vanilla *** CAKE *** 1. Melt chocolate with hot water over low heat. Cream eggs and sugar thoroughly. Add sour cream and mix. Add flour, soda and salt. 2. Combine chocolate mixture with egg mixture. Add vanilla. 3. Pour into 2 greased and floured 8" cake pans. Place in cold oven. Set oven at 300 degrees and bake 30 to 35 minutes. Or cake may be baked 50 to 60 minutes in a 9x13" pan. Cool and ice. *** ICING *** Mix sugar and cocoa in saucepan. Add margarine, corn syrup and milk. Bring to a boil; boil 2 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. Beat until thick enough to spread. Add pecans and vanilla. Spread between layers and on top of cake. -----