---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Miracle Rise Chocolate Cake Categories: Diabetic, Desserts, Cakes Yield: 12 servings ------------------------INGREDIENTS------------------------ 1.00 pk Active dry yeast; 0.50 c Warm water; 2.00 Eggs; OR EGG SUBSTITUTE; 0.50 c Skim milk' 0.33 c Vegetable Oil; 3.00 tb Sweet*10 Liquid; 0.50 c Cocoa; 2.00 c Flour; Pillsbury's All Purp. 1.00 tb Baking Powder; 1.00 ts Soda; 0.50 ts Salt; 1.00 ts Vanilla; 1.00 ts Red food coloring; Directions: Spray a 9-in tube or Bundt pan. In a large mixer bowl, soften yeast in warm water. Add egg substitute, milk, oil and Sweet*10. Beat 2 minutes at high speed. Add cocoa, dry ingredients, vanilla and food coloring. Blend at low speed; beat 3 minutes at medium speed. Pour batter into greased 9-inch Bundt pan or tube pan. Cover with foil; let rise in warm place for 45 minutes. Bake at 350 degreds for 30 to 35 minutes until a wooden pick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Invert immediately onto wire rack. Cool. 1/12th of cake has 145 calories. Exchange values ~ 1/2 skim milk; 1 Fruit, 1 Fat Created by Pillsbury Kitchens Exchange From files of A.Broaddus 6-29-93 -----