---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Chocolate Cake Categories: Diabetic, Cakes, Desserts Yield: 16 sweet ones 0.75 c Margarine;@ rm temp 0.25 c Sugar; 0.50 c Liquid egg;substitue @ rm tm Liquid sugar;substitue equal To 1/3 cup sugar 2.00 ts Vanilla; 2.00 c Cake flour; 2.00 ts Baking powder; 0.25 c Instant dry milk; 0.33 c Cocoa; 1.00 c Water;@ room temperature Cream together margarine and sugar at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add egg substitue, sweetener, and vanilla to creamed mixture and beat at medium speed for 1/2 minute. Stir together flour, baking powder, dry milk, and cocoa to blend. Add 1 cup water to creamed mixture along with flour mixture and mix at medium speed only until smooth. Spread evenly in a 9 inch square pan that has been greased with margarine. Bake at 350 degree F. for 30-35 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean and the cake pulls away from the sides of the pan. Cool to room temperature and cut 4 x 4 to yield 16 equal servings. Food Exchange per serving: 1 BREAD EXCHANGE + 2 FAT EXCHANGES; CAL: 157 CHO: 16gm; PRO: 3gm; FAT: 9gm LOW-SODIUM DIETS: Use salt-free margarine and low-sodium baking powder. Source: From the New Diabetic Cookbook by Mabel Cavaiani, R.D. Brought to you and yours via Nancy