---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Sour Cream Chocolate Cake Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate Yield: 6 servings 3/4 c Hot water 3 Chocolate; melted 1/2 c Shortening 1/4 ts Salt 2 1/2 c Sugar 3 lg Eggs 3 3/4 c Sifted cake or pastry flour 1 1/2 ts Soda 3/4 c Sour cream Add water to chocolate, simmer while stirring, until thick, cool. Blend shortening and salt, add sugar and cream thoroughly. Beat in eggs. Add sifted flour and soda alternately with cream. Stir in chocolate, mixing well. Bake in greased pan in moderate oven, 350 about 45 minutes or until it tests done. Frost with favorite frosting -----