Almond Cream with Spiced Fruit Middle Eastern Style Cookery . The Australian Women's Weekly Home Library Sweets & Drinks 1/4 cup (35g) rice flour 1/4 cup (55g)caster sugar 3 cups (750ml) milk 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind 3/4 cup (90g)packaged ground almonds 1/4 cup (35g) slivered almonds 1 tablespoon rosewater Spiced Fruit 1/2 cup (45g) dried apples 3/4 cup (110g) dried apricots 1/2 cup (85g) seedless prunes 1 litre (4 cups) water 3/4 cup (165g)caster sugar 2 cinnamon sticks 3 cloves 2 teaspoons Amaretto 1 tablespoon rosewater 1/4 cup (30g) chopped walnuts Blend rice flour and sugar with 1/2 cup (125ml) of the milk in small bowl. Bring remaining milk and rind to boil in medium pan, stir in flour mixture, stir constantly over heat until mixture boils and thickens. Stir in remaining ingredients. Spoon mixture into 6 dishes (3/4 cup/180ml capacity); cool. Cover, refrigerate until cold Serve with spiced fruit. Spiced Fruit: Place fruit in bowl, cover with water; stand 2 hours. Drain fruit, discard water. Bring measured water, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, liqueur and rosewater to boil in medium pan, simmer, uncovered, about 30 minutes or until mixture is syrupy and reduced to about 2 1/2 cups (625ml). Remove from heat, stir in fruit and nuts, cool. Cover: refrigerate 3 hours or overnight. Serves 6. Recipe can be made 2 days ahead. Storage: Covered, separately, in refrigerator. Freeze: Not suitable. Microwave: Suitable.