---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: CHOCOLATE RICE RUINATION Categories: Desserts Yield: 8 servings 1 cn Condensed milk (14 oz.) 2 oz Chopped semi-sweet 4 tb (1/2 stick) unsalted butter 1/2 c Milk 2 Egg yolks 3 ts Vanilla extract 2 c Steamed boiled long-grained 1 ts Confectioners' sugar 1 c Heavy or whipping cream 1 Piece of semi-sweet chocolat 1. Preheat the oven to 325 F. Butter a shallow souffle dish. 2. Combine the condensed milk with the chocolate in a medium-sized saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the chocolate has melted, 5 minutes. Gradually add the butter, and stir until melted. Remove the pan from the heat. 3. Whisk the milk into the chocolate mixture. Beat in the egg yolks and 2 teaspoons of the vanilla. Then stir in the rice. Pour the mixture into the prepared souffle dish, and bake 30 minutes. The middle will be slightly loose. Cool on a wire rack. Refrigerate, covered, until well chilled. 4. Before serving, beat the cream in a large bowl until slightly thickened. Add the remaining 1 teaspoon vanilla and the confectioners' sugar, and beat until stiff. Pile the whipped cream on top of the pudding. Using a vegetable peeler, scrape the piece of semi-sweet chocolate over the top to make chocolate curls. Refrigerate until ready to serve. -----