* Exported from MasterCook * Cherry Dumplings With Cherry Krisch Sauce Recipe By : Fresh Fruit Desserts:Classic & Contemporary Serving Size : 6 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Chinese Sheryl D Appetizers Beans Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- Cherry Kirsch Sauce 4 Oz Cherries -- Pitted 1/2 Cup Sugar 1 Pinch Salt 3/4 Cup Water 1 Tbsp Arrowroot 2/3 Cup Kirsch Cherry Dumplings 1 Cup Flour 1 Tsp Baking Powder 1 Tbsp Superfine Sugar 1/4 Tsp Salt 2 Tsp Minced Orange Peel 1 Tsp Minced Lemon Peel 1/3 Cup Milk - Plus 1-2 Tbsp More 2 Tsp Melted Butter -- Cooled 24 Cherries -- Pitted Sugar Sauce: Combine the cherries,sugar, salt and water in a saucepan; bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain the liquid into a bowl, reserving the whole cherries in the strainer. Return the liquid to the pan. Dissolve the arrowroot in 2 tbsp of cold water andadd to the cherry liquid. Stir andcookover low heat for 5 minutes, until thickened; add the kirsch. Return the whole cherries to the pan. Just before serving, reheat the sauce for 2-3 minutes. Dumplings: Sift the flour, baking powder, sugar andsalt; add the peels and stir. Trickle the milk and butter over the dry ingredients and mix until the mix is moistened and blended. Do not overmix. Divide the dough into 24 even pieces; roll each piece of dough out on a floured board into a 3-inch circle. Place one cherry in the center of each circle. Wet the outside edges and fold the dough to enclose the cherry; roll each into a ball. If the dough does not seem to be sticking, lightly dampen hands with water and presss the dough together. Place dumplings on a place; cover with wax paper and chill. Steam dumplings for 10 minutes (a bamboo steamer works best). Pour the cherry sauce into the bottom of a large ovenproof serving dish andkeep warm in a low oven. When the first batch of dumplings is done, place theminthe sauce andrepeat the procedure with the remaining dumplings. Serve hot with a sprinkle of sugar atop each dumpling. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -