---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Sabayone Categories: Fruits, Desserts Yield: 8 servings 6 lg Egg Yolks -Napoleon Liqueur 1/3 c Sugar 1/2 pt Whipping Cream, Whipped 1/3 c Dry White Wine 2 1/2 c Tart Red Cherries, Fresh Or 2 tb Grand Marnier Or Mandrin -Frozen Try this one for a fancy dinner. Guests will never know that it is so easy to make. Yield 8 Servings In the top of a double boilier, combine the egg yolks and sugar, beating well. Add the wine to the egg mixture. Have the water inthe double boilier, simmering and place the pan with the egg mixture on top. Whisk the mixture constantly until it thickens into a fluffy custard, about 5 minutes. Remove the egg mixture from the heat and beat until cool. Fold the stiffly beaten whipped cream into the cooled egg mixture and add the liqueur. Spoon the mixture over the cherries and serve. From The National Red Cherry Institute -----