*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                             MICROWAVE BROWNIES
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 16   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Desserts                         Microwave
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1                    Butter
    4       oz           (4 sq) unsweetened
      1/2   ts           Salt
    6       tb           Butter
    1       t            Vanilla
    2                    Eggs
      1/2   c            Chopped pecans/walnuts
    1       c            Sugar
    1       c            All purpose flour
      1/2   ts           Baking powder
   Line an 8 x 8 glass baking dish with buttered wax paper. Break chocolate
   into small pieces and place in a bowl with the butter. Cook in microwave on
   high for 3 minutes, until the chocolate has completely melted. Beat eggs
   and sugar together until creamy. Sift flour with salt and baking powder.
   Stir all ingredients together. Spread mixture evenly into baking dish. Cook
   for 8-1/2 minutes, rotating dish 1/4 of a turn thrice during cooking
   period. Cool brownies in the dish. Remove paper and cut brownies into
   Servings: 16
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