MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: SUGAR - FREE  BROWNIES
  Categories: Desserts
       Yield: 24 Brownies
    0.33 c  Chopped walnuts
    3.00 tb Unsweetened apple juice
    1.00 ts Baking powder
    0.33 c  Cocoa
    2.00 c  Whole wheat flour
    1.33 c  Unsweetened apple juice
    0.50 c  Oil
    1.00    Egg white
    1.00 md Banana, mashed
   Soak walnuts in 3 tablespoons apple juice concentrate. Sift baking
   powder and cocoa into bowl with flour and make a well. Measure 1 1/3
   cups apple juice concentrate, oil, egg white and banana into
   measuring cup and add= all at once to dry ingredients and mix. Spread
   in 13 x 9 inch pan sprayed with nonstick spray. Sprinkle with walnuts
   on batter evenly and smooth nuts= into batter with back of spoon.
   Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cover when slightly warm. Cut in
   24 servings and store in freezer to keep fresh.= Yield
        24    brownies.