*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                           Peanut Butter Brownies
 Recipe By     : Sue Klapper
 Serving Size  : 24   Preparation Time :0:35
 Categories    : Brownies
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      1/2  cup           butter or margarine -- softened
    1      cup           sugar
    1      teaspoon      vanilla
    2                    eggs
    1 1/4  cups          flour
      1/8  teaspoon      baking soda
      3/4  cup           chocolate syrup
    1      cup           peanut butter chips
      1/3  cup           sugar
      1/4  cup           evaporated milk
    2      tablespoons   butter
    1      cup           peanut butter chips
    1      teaspoon      vanilla
 Cream butter or margarine, sugar and vanilla.  Add eggs; beat well. 
 Combine flour and baking soda; add alternately with chocolate syrup to
 creamed mixture.  Stir in peanut butter chips.  Pour batter into greased
 9 x 13 pan; bake at 350~ for 30 to 35 minutes.  Cool; frost with Peanut
 Butter Brownie Frosting.
 Frosting:  Combine sugar, evaporated milk and butter in a small
 saucepan.  Stir over medium heat until mixture comes to full boil;
 remove from heat.  Quickly stir in 1 cup peanut butter chips until
 melted; add vanilla.  Beat to spreading consistency; frost brownies. 
 From:  Best Recipes.
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