1/2 c. butter
 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
 4 eggs at 70 deg.
 1/4 tsp salt
 2 c. sugar
 1 t. vanilla
 1 c. flour, all purpose, sifted
 1 c. pecan meats
 Melt butter and chocolate in a double boiler, then cool.  Beat in eggs 
 and salt until light in color and foamy in texture.  Gradually add sugar 
 and vanilla, continue beating until creamed.  Add chocolate mix to egg
 mix by hand.  (no kidding, it specifically says not to use an electric.)
 Fold in flour before the mixture is uniformly brown.  Fold in nuts before
 mix is uniform.  Bake in a 9x13 inch pan at 350 deg. for ~25 minutes, 
 cut when cool.