MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.07
  Categories: Cookies
    Servings: 24
       4    Squares BAKER'S Unsweetened
     3/4 c  Margarine or butter
       2 c  Sugar
       3    Eggs
       1 t  Vanilla
       1 c  All-purpose flour
       1 c  Chopped nuts (opt)
   Heat oven to 350'F. Microwave chocolate and margarine in large
   microwavable bowl on HIGH 2 minutes or until maragrine is melted. Stir
   until chocolate is completely melted. Stir sugar into melted chocolate
   mixture. Mix in eggs and vanilla until well blended. Stir in flour and
   nuts. Spread in greased 13x9 pan.
   Bake 30-35 minutes or untilk toothpick inserted in center comes out with
   fudgy crumbs. DO NOT OVERBAKE. Cool in pan; cut into bars.
   Makes about 24 brownies.
   Prep time: 10 minutes. Baking time: 30-35 minutes.
   For cakelike brownies, stir in 1/2 cup milk with eggs and vanilla.
   Increase flour to 1 1/2 cups.
   When using a glass baking dish, reduce oven temperature to 325'F.
   ROCKY ROAD BROWNIES: Prepare One Bowl Brownies as directed. Bake at 350'F.
   for 30 minutes. Sprinkle 2 cups KRAFT Miniature Marshmallows, 1 cup
   BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Real Chocolate Chips and 1 cup chopped nuts over
   brownies immediately. Continue baking 3-5 minutes or until topping begins
   to melt together. Cool in pan; cut into bars. Makes about 24 brownies.
   Prep time: 15 minutes. Baking time: 35 minutes.
   PEANUT BUTTER SWIRL BROWNIES: Prepare One Bowl Brownie batter as directed,
   reserving 1 tablespoon margarine and 2 tablespoons sugar. Spread batter in
   greased 13x9 pan. Add reserved ingredients to 2/3 cup peanut butter; mix
   well. Place spoonfuls of peanut butter mixture over brownie batter. Swirl
   with knife to marbleize. Bake at 350'F. for 30-35 minutes or until
   toothpick inserted into center comes out with fudgy crumbs. Cool in pan;
   cut into bars. Makes about 24 brownies.
   Prep time: 15 minutes. Baking time: 30-35 minutes.