MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Ultimate Chocolate Brownies
  Categories: Brownies, Chocolate
       Yield: 15 servings
     3/4 c  Hershey’s cocoa
     1/2 ts Baking soda
     2/3 c  Butter; melted and divided
     1/2 c  Water; boiling
       2 c  Sugar
       2    Eggs
   1 1/3 c  Flour
       1 ts Vanilla
     1/4 ts Salt
       1 c  Mint or reg chocolate chips
 MMMMM--------------------BUTTERCREAM FROSTING-------------------------
       6 tb Butter
     1/2 c  Hershey’s cocoa
   2 2/3 c  Confectioners sugar
     1/3 c  Milk
       1 ts Vanilla
   Preheat oven to 350~F. Grease 13x9 pan. In medium bowl, combine
   cocoa and baking soda; blend in 1/3 c melted butter. Add the boiling
   water; stir until mixture thickens. Stir in sugar, eggs and remaining
   1/3 c melted butter; stir until smooth. Add flour, vanilla and salt;
   blend completely. Stir in chocolate chips; pour into prepared pan.
   Bake 35-40 minutes or until brownies begin to pull away from sides of
   pan. Cool completely; frost with Buttercream frosting. Cut into
    Buttercream Frosting: Cream butter in small mixing bowl; add cocoa
   and sugar alternately with milk. Beat to spreading consistency; blend
   in vanilla.