MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Checkerboard Cake 
  Categories: Cakes, Desserts
       Yield: 12 Servings
       3    Unsweetened chocolate 1 oz.
            Squares or the melted choc.
     1/2 c  White sugar
     1/2 c  Hot water
       1 tb Gelatin, unflavored
       2 tb Cold water
       4    Egg yolks, beaten
       4    Egg whites beaten
       1 ts Vanilla
       1 c  Heavy cream,(whipping)
     1/2 c  Almonds, blanched, then
            Browned and coarsely chopped
       1 lg Angel food cake
      Combine hot water, sugar and chocolate in double boiler. Heat until
   chocolate melts. Stir to blend. Soften gelatin in the cold water and
   add to chocolate mixture. Stir and cook until smooth and thick-about
   5 minutes. Add chocolate mixture to egg yolks. Mix well. Cool 5
   minutes. Add vanilla then fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Cool
      Whip the cream and fold in nuts. Add to the chocolate mixture.
   Grease an angel (tube)cake pan. Break cake into egg size pieces. Put a
   layer of cake pieces into pan and pour some of the cholcolate mixture
   over and let it run through, repeat until all the cake and sauce are
      Cover and let set in refrigerator for about 8 hours. Ice with
   whipped cream or (Cool Whip)after turning out on serving plate and
   decorate with browned almonds.
      The cake can be iced several hours before serving and should be
   served real cold.
      (To turn this cake out run tip of knife around top of cake and
   center tube, then dip pan in hot water for a minute to loosen).
      This is always a success with guest especially when they see the
   inside and it’s delicous also. This recipe was in the American
   newspaper in Caracas, Venezuela (The Daily Journal) March 20, 1970.
   My children were 11 months and 2 years then. I've been making this
   cake ever since and they still ask for it, even for birthdays! Typed
   by Martha Boskind