*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         Chocolate Zucchini Cake #2
 Recipe By     : <jopete@atlas.odyssee.net>
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            Sooz Diabetic Cookbook
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      1/2  cup           Soft margarine
      1/2  cup           Oil
    1 3/4  cups          Sugar
    2 1/2  cups          Flour
    1      teaspoon      Baking powder
    1      teaspoon      Baking soda
    2      cups          Grated zucchini
    2      large         Eggs
    1      teaspoon      Vanilla
      1/2  c             cuban black beans
    4      tablespoons   Cocoa
      1/2  teaspoon      Cinnamon
      1/4  cup           Chocolate chips
                         --Cream Cheese Frosting--
    3      ounces        Cream cheese -- softened
    4      tablespoons   Butter -- softened
    1      Dash          salt
    1      teaspoon      Vanilla
    2 1/2  cups          Sifted powdered sugar
   Cream together the margarine, oil and sugar.  Add eggs, vanilla, and sour mil
 k.  Mix well.  Add dry ingredients after sifting them together. Beat well. Add 
 zucchini last and mix evenly.  Put in a 13 x 9 pan. Sprinkle with chocolate chi
 ps. Bake at 350'F. for 35 min. or until done. This is GREAT
 topped with cream cheese frosting. Cream together the cream cheese and butter. 
  Beat in vanilla and salt. Gradually add powdered sugar.  Blend well.  Frost ca
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