*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            Desserts
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2 1/2   c            Sifted flour
      1/4   c            Unsweetened cocoa
    1       t            Baking soda
    1       t            Salt
      1/2   c            Butter
      1/2   c            Vegetable oil
    1 3/4   c            Granulated sugar
    2                    Eggs
    1       t            Vanilla extract
    1       tb           New Mexican red chili powder
      1/2   c            Buttermilk
    2       c            Zucchini, grated
    6       oz           Semisweet chocolate chips
      3/4   c            Chopped walnuts
   Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Grease a 9- by 13- by
   2-inch pan.  Sift together flour, cocoa, baking soda
   and salt in a large mixing bowl.  Set aside.
   In a separate bowl, cream the butter, vegetable oil
   and sugar, beating until the mixture is light and
   fluffy.  Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Next, add
   the vanilla and chile powder.  Mix in the dry
   ingredients that have been set aside, alternating with
   the buttermilk.  Stir in the zucchini.
   Pour the batter into the prepared pan.  Sprinkle the
   top of the cake with the chocolate chips and walnuts.
   Bake for about 55 minutes or until a toothpick in
   center comes out clean. Cool cake in the pan on a wire
   From Sweet heat: Spicy Desserts (& More!) For Chile
   Lovers (c) The Arizona Republic (6/5/96)
   Hunt and pecked by John Blackwell, Taylorsville, Utah,
   U.S.A., scooter@xmission.com.
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