---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Cakes
       Yield: 1 servings
       2 c  Zucchini (shredded)
       2    Eggs
       1 ts Vanilla
     3/4 c  Oil
     1/2 c  Milk
       1 c  Sugar
     1/2 c  Semisweet chocolate pieces
     3/4 c  Wheat germ
       2 c  Flour
     1/4 c  Cocoa
       3 ts Baking powder
     3/4 ts Salt
     1/2 ts Cinnamon
     1/4 ts Cloves
   Contributed to the echo by: Janice Norman Originally from: “The
   Mayor’s Cookbook” Wheat Germ Zucchini Cake Beat milk, eggs, sugar,
   vanilla, and oil together in one bowl. In another bowl, combine wheat
   germ, flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt, and spices. Stir wheat germ
   mixture into milk mixture. Fold in zucchini and chocolate pieces.
   Pour into greased and floured 9-cup or fluted pan. Bake at 350 60-70
   minutes, or until done. Cool 15 minutes and invert onto a wire rack.
   (Mayor D. Rosenberg, Davis, California)