---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Truffle Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 servings
       1 c  Butter
     1/2 c  Sugar
     1/2 c  Strong brewed coffee
            Or espresso
       6 oz Bittersweet chocolate; cut
       2 oz Unsweetened cholocate; cut
       4    Eggs
   Recipe by: <PennyKat@ix.netcom.com>
       Preheat oven to 350~F.  Butter a 9 or 10 inch
   springform pan. Dust with cocoa, tapping out excess.  In a
   2 qt glass bowl, combine butter, sugar, coffee and both
   chocolates.  Microwave on high for 2 minutes, or until
   mixture is smooth when stirred. Whisk in eggs until well
   blended.  Pour mixture into springform pan.  Bake 50-55
   minutes or until top of cake forms a crust and is dry to
   the touch.  Let cool in pan.
       Run a knife around edge of pan to loosen cake and
   remove side of pan.  Serve warm or refrigerated.  Serve in
   small slices.  Store covered cake in refrigerator. Serve
   alone or with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream or make it
   really elegant and serve it in a pool of raspberry sauce.
      This is dense and rich and oh so good...Words just don't
   do it justice. Best of all...it is super easy to make!!!
   It only takes 10 minutes and one bowl to mix everything and
   you don't even need to get the mixer out. The original
   recipe comes from “365 Great Chocolate Desserts” by Natalie
   Haughton.  She calls it “Chocolate Truffle Cake” but I
   refer to it as “Oh...My...Gawd...I've Died and Gone to
   Chocolate Heaven”.  PennyKat