1 3/4 c. cake flour
 3 t. baking powder
 1/4 t. salt
 2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
 5 T. boiling water
 1/2 c. butter
 1 1/2 c. sugar
 4 eggs, separated
 1/2 c. milk
 1 t. vanilla
 (optional:  1 t. cinnamon, 1/4 t. cloves, 1 c. chopped nuts)
 Sift flour, sift again w/dry ingredients except sugar.  In a separate bowl,
 melt chocolate and add boiling water.  In yet another bowl, cream butter 
 and add sugar until light.  Beat yolks in, one at a time, add to the 
 chocolate mixture.  Add flour mix to butter mix in 3 parts, alternating 
 with milk, add vanilla.  Whip whites until stiff, fold lightly into
 batter.  Bake in a 350 deg. oven, use a 9x13 pan, for about half an hour.