---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
       Title: CHOCOLATE CAKE
  Categories: Cakes
       Yield: 8 servings
       4 tb Cocoa
     1/2 c  Boiling water
     1/4 c  Margarine
   1 1/2 c  Flour
     3/4 c  Sugar
       1    Egg
     1/4 ts Salt
   3 1/2 ts Baking powder
       1 ts Vanilla
     2/3 c  Milk or water
   Cream margarine and sugar and add the egg. Alternately
   add the flour,baking powder & salt mixture with the
   milk or water.Lastly add the cocoa and hot water
   mixture which had been mixed at the start and set
   aside.Bake 30 min. in a 350 oven.