---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
  Categories: Cakes
       Yield: 8 Servings
     3/4 c  Butter or margarine
   1 2/3 c  Sugar
       3    Eggs
       1 ts Vanilla extract
       2 c  All-purpose flour
     2/3 c  Hershey’s cocoa
   1 1/4 ts Baking soda
     1/4 ts Baking powder
       1 ts Salt
   1 1/3 c  Water
            -Hershey’s Chocolate-
       2 c  (12 oz) semi-sweet -
            Chocolate chips
       2 c  Powdered sugar
     2/3 c  Evaporated milk
   FOR CAKE: Heat oven to 350. Grease and flour two 9-inch round baking pans
   or one 13x9x2-inch baking pan. In large mixer bowl, combine butter, sugar,
   eggs and vanilla. Beat on high speed 3 minutes. Combine flour, cocoa,
   baking soda, baking powder and salt; add alternately with water to butter
   mixture. Blend just til combined. Pour into prepared pans. Bake 30 to 35
   minutes or til wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10
   minutes; remove from pans. Cool completely; frost. Serves 8 to 10.
   FROSTING:  In small microwave-safe bowl, place chocolate chips. Microwave
   on high 1 1/2 minutes; stir. Microwave on high additional 30 seconds or til
   melted and smooth when stirred. (Chips may also be melted in pan over warm
   water). Gradually add powdered sugar and evaporated milk, beating til
   smooth. About 2
       1/2    cups frosting.