*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         Rich Chocolate Banana Cake
 Recipe By     : Carol <sanjose@use.pipeline.com>
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    6      oz.           sweet cooking chocolate
      3/4  c.            margarine or butter
    4                    eggs, separated
      1/8  tsp.          salt
      3/4  c.            granulated sugar
      3/4  c.            ground pecans
      1/2  c.            mashed banana (about 1 med.)
                         CREAMY BANANA SAUCE
    1      c.            mashed bananas (about 2 med.)
      1/4  c.            whipping cream
    2      tbsp.         powdered sugar
      1/8  tsp.          ground cinnamon
                         Pecan halves, toasted
   Preparation :
     Makes 12 servings. This chocolate cake includes bananas
   both in the cake and creamy sauce.  Heat oven to 375 degrees.
   To prepare cake, grease and flour 8 x 2 1/2 inch springform pan.
   Heat chocolate and margarine in 1-1/2 quart saucepan until melted.
   Cool 5 minutes.  Beat egg whites  and salt in medium bowl
   on high speed until stiff but not dry.  Beat  egg yolks and
   sugar on medium speed until lemon colored.  Stir into
   chocolate.  Stir in ground pecans and banana.  Gradually fold
   chocolate mixture into egg whites.  Pour into pan.  Bake until top
   is dry and knife inserted in center comes out slightly wet, 40 to 45
   minutes.  (Do not overbake).    Cool completely.  Remove from pan.
   To prepare sauce, beat together bananas, cream, powdered sugar and
   cinnamon until well blended.  Serve cake with sauce, garnished with
   pecan halves.
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