---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: The Best Chocolate Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       2 c  Flour
       2 c  Sugar
       1 ts Baking soda
       1 ts Baking powder
     1/2 ts Salt
       1 c  Butter
       1 c  Water
     1/4 c  Cocoa
       3    Eggs; beaten
     1/2 c  Buttermilk
       1 ts Vanilla
            Cream filling:
     1/4 c  Shortening
     1/4 c  Butter
     1/2 c  Sugar
       1 sm Egg white
       1 ts Vanilla
     1/4 c  Hot milk
   1 1/2 c  Confectioner’s sugar
     3/4 c  Margarine
       1    Egg
       3 tb Light corn syrup
       2 pk Premelted unsweetened
     1/2 c  Chopped nuts
    Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Sift flour, sugar, soda, baking
   powder, and salt.  Melt butter, water and cocoa.  Bring to
   a boil; set aside for a few minutes.  Lightly beat eggs.
   Add buttermilk and vanilla.  Beat all this into flour mix.
   Beat in warm cocoa mixture.  Bake 25 to 30 minutes in 2
   greased and floured cake pans.  Cool.
   Make filling:  Cream shortening and butter.  Add sugar and
   beat well.  Add egg white (not beaten) and vanilla and beat
   well again.  Add hot milk 1 T. at a time.  Spread between
   layers.  Make frosting:  Combine all frosting ingredients
   and spread on cake.