---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Upside-Down Chocolate Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 servings
       2 c  Miniature marshmallows
       1 c  Brown sugar
     1/2 c  Cocoa
       2 c  Hot water
       1 c  Chopped walnuts; divided
       1 pk Devil’s food cake mix
            ; (2-layer size, prepa
            Per package directions)
   Place marshmallows in greased 13- by 9-inch pan.  Mix
   sugar, cocoa and hot water.  Add 3/4 cup nuts.  Pour over
   marshmallows.  Spoon cake batter over. Top with remaining
   nuts.  Bake 45 to 50 minutes at 350 degrees.
   Remove from oven and turn out of pan.  The
   cocoa-nut-marshmallow topping will have baked under batter
   to chocolaty richness.