---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Very Best Chocolate Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       1 c  Dutch process chocolate
       2 c  Flour
     1/2 ts Baking powder
     1/2 ts Salt
       3 tb Instant expresso
   1 1/2 c  Unsalted butter; softened
       3 c  Sugar
       2 ts Pure real vanilla
       5 lg Eggs
       1 c  Buttermilk
            Chocolate glaze-
     1/4 c  Light corn syrup
       3 tb Water
       2 tb Unsalted butter
       8 oz Bittersweet chocolate; chop
   PREHEAT OVER TO 325~F. Butter and flour a 10 Bundt pan.
   Set aside. Sift cocoa, flour, baking powder, salt &
   expresso together. Set aside. Cream butter until light and
   fluffy. Add sugar and beat until dissolved, about 5 minutes
   on hi speed. Slow mixer and add vanilla. Add eggs one at a
   time, beating well after each one. Add dry ingredients
   alternately with buttermilk, beginning and ending with the
   dry ingredients. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 1 hour and 20
   minutes, or until tested done. Cool cake in pan on rack for
   20 minutes. Turn out on rack to cool completely. Place on
   serving platter. Spread cool cake glaze on cake. Cover
   gently with plastic wrap or plastic dome.
   CHOCOLATE GLAZE: Bring corn syrup to a boil in 1 quart pan
   over high heat. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Blend
   with wisk or spatula until smooth, shiny and cool. DO NOT