---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: White Chocolate Mousse Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 servings
       1    Yellow cake mix
      10    Eggs; separated
     2/3 c  Sugar; divided
       1 lb White chocolate; melted
     1/2 oz Gelatin
            Disolve in 3 oz water
      10 oz Heavy cream; whipped
            Whipped cream
            White chocolate shavings
   Follow package directions for yellow cake mix.  Bake cake
   in 1 layer in a 10 cake pan.  Let cake cool and set aside.
   Beat egg yolks and half of the sugar.  Whip the egg whites.
   Gently mix together cooled, melted chocolate, remaining
   sugar and whipped egg whites until soft peaks form. Fold
   mixture into egg yolk and sugar mixture. Fold in dissolved
   gelatin.  Fold in heavy whipped cream.
   Cut cake into three layers.  Place one in bottom of pan and
   cover with half the mousse mixture.  Place second layer of
   cake on top and cover with remaining mousse; place third
   layer of cake on top and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.  Ice
   cake with whipped cream and shaved white chocolate.
   Source: Taste of Florida