---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Chip Chiffon Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes
       Yield: 1 servings
       2 c  Flour
   1 1/2 c  Sugar
       1 tb Baking powder
       1 ts Salt
     1/2 c  Vegetable oil
       7    Egg yolks
     3/4 c  Cold water
       2 ts Vanilla
       1 c  Egg whites
     1/2 ts Cream of tartar
       3 oz Unsweetened chocolate;
            Mocha frosting:
       6 tb Cocoa
       6 tb Hot coffee
       6 tb Butter
       1 ts Vanilla
       3 c  Confectioner’s sugar
   Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Make a
   well and add in order: veg. oil, egg yolks, water and
   vanilla.  Whip egg whites until stiff.  Fold yolk mixture
   into whites. Fold chocolate in last.  Put into angel food
   cake pan and bake at 350F until done, about 50-60 minutes.
   Mocha frosting:
   Combine cocoa and coffee, then add butter and vanilla.  Add
   sugar gradually until correct consistency.JM.