---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Holiday Chocolate Fruitcake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Holiday, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 servings
       8 oz Cream cheese; softened
     1/2 c  Butter or margarine;
       1 c  Sugar
       3    Eggs
   2 1/4 c  All-purpose flour; divided
     1/4 c  Cocoa
       1 ts Baking powder
     1/2 ts Salt
     1/2 c  Orange juice
   1 1/2 c  Red candied cherries
            =coarsely chopped
       1 c  Golden raisins
       1 c  Pecan pieces
       1 tb Brandy
            Or 2 tsp brandy extract
       1 ts Rum extract
   Recipe by: GARY BRAMMER   (BBFT81A)
      Heat oven to 300 degrees. Grease and flour 10-inch tube
   pan.  In large mixer bowl, beat cream cheese, butter and
   sugar until blended. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating until
   light and fluffy.
      Stir together 2 cups flour, cocoa, baking powder and
   salt; add to cream cheese mixture, alternately with orange
   juice, beating well.
      In a small bowl, toss remaining 1/4 cup flour with
   cherries, raisins and pecans; stir into cocoa mixture with
   brandy until blended. Bake 1 hour and 30 to 35 minutes, or
   until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool
   15 minutes; remove from pan to wire rack. Cool completely.
   Cover; store in refrigerator. Garnish as desired.