---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Buttermilk Chocolate Cake W/coconutpecan---Pt 2
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 6 servings
            See directions/see part 1
      In a double boiler, melt the chocolate over simmering
   water, stirring occasionally, and set aside to cool. Sift
   the flour together with the sugar, baking soda, baking
   powder, and salt. In the bowl of an electric mixer or with
   a handheld mixer, beat the butter until it is fluffy. Add
   the flour mixture, 3/4 cup of the buttermilk, and the
   vanilla and beat in thoroughly, mixing for about 2 minutes
   with the electric mixer. Add the melted chocolate, eggs,
   and the remaining 1/4 cup of the buttermilk and beat for 1
   minute longer. Pour an equal amount of the cake batter into
   each prepared pan and bake on the center rack of the oven
   for 30 to 35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into
   the center comes out clean. Cool the cakes in their pans
   for 15 minutes, then turn out onto a cake rack and finish
   cooling.   With a soft pastry brush, brush any loose crumbs
   from the side edges of the cake layers.
       To make the marmalade, combine the milk, sugar, egg
   yolks, and butter in a medium saucepan. Over medium heat
   cook the mixture, stirring constantly, until it thickens,
   about 10 minutes. Do not let the mixture come to a boil.
   Remove from the heat and add the coconut and pecans. Stir
   together well, then let cool almost to room temperature,
   beating occasionally so that it does not form a crust.
      To assemble the cake, place the first layer of cake on a
   serving dish. Spread a layer of the marmalade on the top of
   the cake only, about 1/2inch thick. Place the second layer
   of the cake on top of the first and spread the top of it
   with some of the marmalade. Finally, place the third cake
   layer on the top and spread a nice, thick, and slightly
   rounded layer of the marmalade on top of that. Cut into
   wedges for serving.
    Yield 6 to 8 servings  TOO HOT TAMALES   SHOW #TH 6243