---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Great Chocolate Goo Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
     3/4 lb Unsalted butter
   2 2/3 c  Semisweet chocolate chips
         c  Milk
       7    Egg yolks
            Whipped heavy cream for
   Melt the butter over low heat and allow it to cool to room
   temperature. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
   Cut a round of waxed paper to fit the bottom of a 9 inch
   springform pan.  Butter the sides of the pan and one side
   of the waxed paper.  Place the paper in the pan, butter
   side up. In a saucepan over very low heat, heat the
   chocolate and milk, stirring constantly, just until the
   chocolate is melted.  You will note that at every step the
   batter for this cake smells better than it did at the last
   one. Pour the mixture into the large bowl of an electric
   mixer. Beat on low speed, just to smooth out any bitzy
   lumps of chocolate.  With the mixer running at low speed,
   add about a seventh of the melted butter (a shy 1/4 cup)
   and beat at low speed unly until the butter is fully
   absorbed. Then add an egg yolk and beat, at low speed, just
   until the mixture has fully absorbed it. Don't raise the
   speed of the mixer, because we don't want to beat in any
   air.  It’s not supposed to be a fluffy cake, it’s supposed
   to be a fudgy lump of goo.
   Continue to alternate additions of butter and egg yolk
   until all are used up, scraping the bowl with a ribber
   spatula and beating after each addition only until
   incorporated. When the mixture is smooth, pour it into the
   prepared pan. Set the pan on a cookie sheet (despite my
   wonderful improvement it still might weep a bit). Put the
   whole thing in the oven (not near the top). Bake for 25
   minutes. It will be soupy in the middle and look like a
   mistake, but unless you forgot to turn the oven on, it is
   done.  The cake will not have risen so as you'd notice.
   Allow it to cool on a rack, then refrigerate a few hours,
   until firm. It may be kept refrigerated a day or two. When
   ready to serve, cut around the side of the pan with a
   small, sharp knife and release and remove the side of the
   pan. Cover the dessert with a flat plate and invert.
   Carefully (it takes a bit of doing) pry up and remove the
   bottom of the pan and the waxed paper. Decorate with
   whipped cream. (I like to make a simple lattice pattern
   that lets the dark, dark chocolate show through.) Serves
   12. “Caramel Knowledge” by Al Sicherman.