---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Cake -- Lowfat
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       3 tb Margarine
     1/2 c  Sugar
   1 1/4 c  Non-fat buttermilk
     1/4 c  Unsweetened cocoa powder
     1/4 ts Salt
       1 ts Baking soda
       1 ts Baking powder
   1 1/2 c  Unbleached flour; sifted
   Recipe by: The N/S Flavor Set-Point Weight-Loss Cookbk
   Preheat oven to 375F.  Lightly coat an 8-inch round cake
   pan with non-stick cooking spray.  With an electric mixer
   cream the margarine and sugar in a mixing bowl.  Beat in
   the egg.  Stir in the buttermilk.  Set the bowl aside.  In
   a large bowl, combine the cocoa, salt, baking soda, baking
   powder, and flour, and mix together well.  Add the creamed
   margarine-buttermilk mixture to the dry ingredients in one
   batch.  Stir until the dry ingredients are thoroughly
   moistened.  Pour the batter into the prepared pan and
   smooth the top with a spatula.  Bake for 35 minutes, or
   until a cake tester comes out dry. Remove from the pan and
   let cool on a rack.