---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Chip and Currant Pound Cake
  Categories: Dessert bre, Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 servings
       1 c  Dried currants
       4 tb Cognac or armagnac
       2 c  Flour
       2 ts Baking powder
     3/4 ts Cinnamon
     1/2 ts Salt
       8 tb Half and half
   1 1/2 ts Vanilla
       7 oz Semi-sweet chocolate
            Cut into 1/4 inch pieces
   2 3/4 tb Flour
       1 c  Unsalted butter
       4    Eggs
            Cognac glaze (see recipe)
       1 c  Powdered sugar (10x)
       2 tb Butter
   1 1/2 tb Cognac
   1 1/2 ts Whipping cream
   Heat currants in Cognac in a small saucepan until just
   warm.  Cover mixture and let stand one hour.  Preheat oven
   to 350*.  Butter an 8 cup fluted tube cake pan.  Dust with
   flour. Sift 2 cups of flour with the baking powder, salt,
   and cinnamon into a medium bowl.  Measure out the half and
   half into a small dish and drain the soaking liquid from
   the currants into the half and half.  Add the vanilla.  Pat
   the currants dry with paper towelling.
   In another small bowl combine the chocolate pieces, the
   currants and the 2 3/4 TBL flour.  In a large bowl, with an
   electric mixer, cream the butter.  Add the sugar and beat
   until light and fluffy.  Add the eggs one at a time.  Then
   mix the flour and half and half mixtures alternately into
   the butter.  Begin and end with the flour.  Using a
   spatula, fold in the chocolate mixture, Spoon into prepared
   pan and bake in the center of the oven until springy to the
   touch, about 1 hour.  Cool cake in pan on a rack for 15
   minutes.  Gently run a knife around the edge of the cake
   and invert onto the rack.  Cool completely. Sprinkle with
   powdered sugar or drizzle glaze over the top allowing it to
   run down the sides. Glaze:  To make glaze blend sugar,
   butter, cream and Cognac in processor until fluffy.