---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Chip Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 10 servings
       1 pk Chocolate butter cake mix
       4 oz Chocolate pudding mix,
       6 oz Chocolate chips; chilled
       8 oz Sour cream
       4    Eggs
     1/2 c  Vegetable oil
     1/4 c  Water
       1 ts Vanilla
     3/4 c  Chopped pecans; optional
   Recipe by: Linda Worley
   Preparation Time: 0:20
   Toss chocolate chips (and nuts if desired) in small bowl
   and mix with 1 Tbs of cake mix.  Blend rest of cake mix and
   pudding in large mixing bowl.  Mix oil, water, vanilla, and
   eggs together in separate bowl; add to dry ingredients.
   Add sour cream.  When mixed well, fold in chocolate chips.
   Bake in bundt pan at 350 for 50 min.  Ice with regular
   powdered sugar icing to which 2 Tbs Hershey’s cocoa has
   been added or with Rocky Road Frosting.
   Pecans may also be added to icing.
   (Freezing the chips and tossing them with the dry mix keeps
   them from settling to the bottom of the pan or melting away
   into the mix.)   Very delicious and moist, but not too