---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Chip Torte
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 6 servings
       3    Egg whites; large
     1/4 ts Salt
     1/8 ts Cream of tartar
   1 1/3 c  Sugar
       1 ts Vanilla extract
       1 c  Potato chips; crushed
   1 1/2 oz Unsweetend chocolate
       1 c  Milk
       1 tb Flour; unbleached
     1/4 ts Salt
       3    Egg yolks; large; beat
       1 tb Butter
     1/2 ts Vanilla extract
     1/2 c  Heavy cream;sweeten; whipped
   Preheat oven to 300^F. Beat egg whites with salt and cream
   of tartar until foamy. Add 1 cup of sugar slowly, and beat
   until meringue stands in very stiff peaks (about 10 to 15
   minutes). Add vanilla and mix thoroughly. Fold in potato
   chips. Cover cookie sheet with unglazed paper (baking
   parchment or brown paper bag). Spread meringue on paper in
   2 rounds 9 inches in diameter and about 3/4-inch thick.
   Bake 45 minutes. Cool.
   Place chocolate and milk in saucepan. Cook and stir over
   medium heat until chocolate is melted. Beat with electric
   mixer until blended. Combine 1/3 cup sugar, flour, and
   salt. Add to chocolate mixture slowly, stirring well. Cook
   and stir until thick, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add slightly
   beaten egg yolks slowly to chocolate mixture, blending
   well. Cook for 3 minutes longer, stirring constantly.
   Remove from heat. Stir in butter and vanilla. Cool to room
   Spread cooled chocolate filling on one meringue, then place
   second meringue on top. Spread sides with sweetened whipped
   cream. Chill until ready to serve, but don't keep in
   refrigerator mor than a few hours, lest the meringues wilt.
   Serve with more whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.